Course Contents

Program Schedule

Latest Schedule of AIMS-IU program 2019.

Schedule of AIMS-IU program 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014.

IU Common Courses

IU-AIMS Courses * Operated in Fall Semester

  1. Overview of Regional Sustainability Science (1.0)
  2. Adaptation to Environmental Change and Disaster Risk (1.0)
  3. Regional Environmental Management (1.0) [cancelled]
  4. Field Experimental Works (1.0)
  5. Cross Cultural Communication (1.0)
  6. Special Lecture on Regional Sustainability Science I (1.0)
  7. Special Lecture on Regional Sustainability Science II (1.0)
  8. Seminar on Regional Sustainability Science (1.0)
  9. Lab Works in Regional Sustainability Science (2.0)

Specialized Courses

IUCA Courses * open for students registered at IU College of Agriculture

  1. Environmental and Symbiotic Sciences (1.0)
  2. Environmental Conservation Agriculture (1.0)

IUCS Courses * open for students registered at IU College of Science

  1. Environmental Chemistry (1.0)
  2. Environmental Biology (1.0)
  3. Environmental Earth Sciences (1.0)
  4. Analytical Chemistry Experiment I (1.0)

Feedback from AIMS-IU Students

Evaluation and comments for whole program from AIMS-IU 2014 students, AIMS-IU 2015 students, and AIMS-IU 2016 students.

* You can find feedback for all courses and labworks at syllabus pages!

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